Digital Signature

ESign Service


ESign API (Application Service Provider) is a powerful and versatile tool that enables developers to integrate electronic signature functionality into their applications and services. At Speed Sign Technologies Pvt Ltd, we offer an ESign API that empowers developers to build secure and compliant electronic signature solutions that meet the unique needs of their clients and users.

ESign Service is a comprehensive electronic signature solution that enables individuals and organizations to sign documents securely and conveniently from anywhere, at any time. At Speed Sign Technologies Pvt Ltd, we offer an ESign Service that combines cutting-edge technology with user-friendly interfaces to deliver a seamless and hassle-free signing experience.


ESign API (Application Service Provider) is a powerful and versatile tool that enables developers to integrate electronic signature functionality into their applications and services. At Speed Sign Technologies Pvt Ltd, we offer an ESign API that empowers developers to build secure and compliant electronic signature solutions that meet the unique needs of their clients and users.

Key features of our ESign API (ASP) include:

  • Flexible Integration:Our ESign API is easy to integrate into a wide range of applications and platforms, allowing developers to quickly add electronic signature capabilities to their software solutions.
  • Customizable Workflows: Developers can customize the electronic signature workflows to suit the specific requirements of their applications and users, ensuring a seamless and intuitive signing experience.
  • Compliance and Security: Our ESign API is designed to comply with relevant regulations and standards, including eSign Act and GDPR, and incorporates robust security measures to protect sensitive data and transactions.
  • Scalability and Reliability: With built-in scalability and reliability features, our ESign API can handle high volumes of transactions and ensure consistent performance under varying loads.

Unlock the potential of electronic signatures with our ESign API (ASP). Empower your applications with secure and compliant electronic signature capabilities, streamline document workflows, and deliver enhanced value to your clients and users.

Key features of our ESign Service include:

  • Cloud-Based Platform:Our ESign Service is hosted on a secure cloud-based platform, allowing users to access and sign documents from any device with an internet connection.
  • Multi-Channel Signing: Users can sign documents using a variety of methods, including email-based signing, web-based signing, and mobile app-based signing, providing flexibility and convenience.
  • Document Management: Our ESign Service includes document management features that enable users to upload, organize, and track the status of their documents throughout the signing process.
  • Audit Trail: We provide a detailed audit trail for each signed document, capturing essential information such as the signer’s identity, the time and date of the signature, and any changes made to the document.
  • Compliance and Legal Validity: Our ESign Service is designed to comply with relevant regulations and standards, ensuring the legal validity and enforceability of electronic signatures.

Experience the ease and efficiency of electronic signatures with our ESign Service. Simplify your document signing processes, reduce paper usage, and accelerate business transactions with our trusted electronic signature solution.

Key features of our ESign API (ASP) include:

  • Flexible Integration:Our ESign API is easy to integrate into a wide range of applications and platforms, allowing developers to quickly add electronic signature capabilities to their software solutions.
  • Customizable Workflows: Developers can customize the electronic signature workflows to suit the specific requirements of their applications and users, ensuring a seamless and intuitive signing experience.
  • Compliance and Security: Our ESign API is designed to comply with relevant regulations and standards, including eSign Act and GDPR, and incorporates robust security measures to protect sensitive data and transactions.
  • Scalability and Reliability: With built-in scalability and reliability features, our ESign API can handle high volumes of transactions and ensure consistent performance under varying loads.

Unlock the potential of electronic signatures with our ESign API (ASP). Empower your applications with secure and compliant electronic signature capabilities, streamline document workflows, and deliver enhanced value to your clients and users

Aadhar Based KYC

PKI Solution

Time Stamping

Aadhaar KYC (Know Your Customer) is a secure and convenient way to verify the identity of individuals using their Aadhaar number, a unique identification number issued by the Government of India. At Speed Sign Technologies Pvt Ltd, we offer Aadhaar KYC services that enable businesses and organizations to verify the identity of their customers quickly and reliably, while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.


Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) solutions are frameworks that provide the necessary infrastructure for managing digital certificates and encryption keys in a secure and reliable manner. PKI plays a fundamental role in enabling secure communication and authentication over insecure networks like the internet. Here’s an overview of PKI solutions:


Time stamping and certifying authority architecture are crucial components of digital signature systems, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of electronically signed documents. Here’s an overview of the architecture and process:


Key features of our Aadhaar KYC services include:

  • Instant Verification: Our Aadhaar KYC services provide instant verification of individuals’ identities using their Aadhaar number, enabling businesses to onboard customers quickly and securely.
  • Biometric Authentication: We offer biometric authentication options, including fingerprint and iris scanning, to further enhance the security and accuracy of identity verification.
  • Compliance: Our Aadhaar KYC services are compliant with relevant regulations and guidelines, including the Aadhaar Act and the KYC norms prescribed by regulatory authorities.
  • Integration: Our Aadhaar KYC services can be seamlessly integrated into existing business processes and applications, allowing businesses to verify customer identities without disrupting their workflows.
  • Data Security:We prioritize data security and privacy, implementing robust encryption and access controls to protect sensitive customer information.

Streamline your identity verification processes and enhance customer onboarding with our Aadhaar KYC services. Verify customer identities quickly and securely, mitigate fraud risk, and build trust with your customers with our trusted Aadhaar KYC solution.

  1. Certificate Authority (CA):
    • A central component of PKI solutions, the Certificate Authority is responsible for issuing and managing digital certificates.
    • Functions include verifying the identity of certificate applicants, issuing digital certificates, revoking certificates when necessary, and maintaining certificate status information.
    • CA operations are critical for establishing trust between parties in a PKI ecosystem.
  2. Certificate Repository:
    • PKI solutions often include a centralized repository for storing issued digital certificates and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs).
    • This repository allows users to retrieve and verify the status of certificates, ensuring they haven’t been revoked or tampered with.
  3. Certificate Management System:
    • A Certificate Management System (CMS) provides tools and interfaces for managing digital certificates throughout their lifecycle.
    • Functions may include certificate enrolment, renewal, revocation, and key recovery, as well as monitoring certificate usage and compliance with security policies.
  4. Key Management:
    • PKI solutions include mechanisms for securely generating, storing, and distributing encryption keys used for cryptographic operations.
    • Key management practices ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of cryptographic keys, protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access or manipulation.
  5. Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols:
    • PKI solutions rely on cryptographic algorithms and protocols to secure communications and transactions.
    • Commonly used algorithms include RSA, DSA, and ECC for digital signatures, and symmetric algorithms like AES for encryption.
  6. Compliance and Standards:
    • PKI solutions adhere to industry standards and regulations governing digital signatures, encryption, and data protection.
    • Compliance with standards such as X.509, TLS/SSL, and FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) ensures interoperability and security across different PKI implementations.

PKI solutions are widely used in various applications, including secure web browsing, email encryption, document signing, and network authentication. They provide a robust framework for establishing trust, confidentiality, and integrity in digital communications and transactions, contributing to the security and reliability of modern IT infrastructures.

  1. Certificate Authority (CA):
    • Role: A Certifying Authority is a trusted third party responsible for issuing digital certificates and managing the public key infrastructure (PKI) necessary for verifying digital signatures.
    • Functions: The CA verifies the identity of individuals or organizations requesting digital certificates, issue these certificates after authentication, and maintain a publicly accessible repository of issued certificates (Certificate Revocation List, or CRL).
    • Trust Hierarchy: CAs establishes a hierarchical trust model, with root CAs at the top of the hierarchy, intermediate CAs below them, and endentity certificates (issued to individuals or organizations) at the lowest level.
  2. Time stamping Authority (TSA):
    • Role: A Time stamping Authority is responsible for providing trusted timestamps, which attest to the time at which a digital signature was applied to a document.
    • Functions: The TSA receives requests for timestamps, verifies the integrity of the document at the time of the request, and signs the timestamp with its own digital signature, indicating the time of the request.
    • Accuracy and Reliability: TSAs must maintain accurate and reliable time sources, often synchronizing with global time standards like Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), to ensure the accuracy of timestamps.

Process of Time stamping and Certification:

  • Document Preparation: The document to be signed is prepared by the sender or generated dynamically within the digital signature system.
  • Digital Signature Generation: The signer applies their digital signature to the document using their private key, creating a unique cryptographic hash of the document and signing it with their private key.
  • Time stamping Request: The signed document, along with a request for a timestamp, is sent to the Time stamping Authority.
  • Time stamping: The Time stamping Authority verifies the integrity of the document at the time of the request, generates a trusted timestamp indicating the time of the request, and signs it with its own private key.
  • Return Timestamp: The trusted timestamp, along with any relevant certificates (including the signer’s certificate and intermediate CA certificates), is returned to the signer.
  • Document Distribution: The signed document, along with the trusted timestamp and certificates, can be distributed to the intended recipients, providing assurance of the document’s integrity and authenticity.

By integrating time stamping and certification authorities into the digital signature process, organizations can enhance the trustworthiness and legal validity of electronically signed documents, ensuring their integrity and authenticity over time.

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